Caffeine Dependency


Just as people can develop dependencies on other substances, they can develop dependencies on caffeine. This can happen relatively quickly. When you have caffeine every day, you start to build up a tolerance for it which leads to increasing consumption to get the same results.

Some signs you may have a caffeine dependence are:

  • You take caffeine in large amounts or for an extended period of time

  • A lot of time is spent on activities to obtain caffeine

  • Having a strong desire or craving to have caffeine

  • A consistent desire or unsuccessful attempt at cutting down caffeine use, especially after having physical or psychological problems while consuming it

  • You consume caffeine to avoid or relieve withdrawal symptoms

Similar to other addictive substances, people who abruptly stop drinking caffeine will start to suffer from withdrawal symptoms and experience cravings for the substance. Caffeine is dissolved into the bloodstream and gives people an alert feeling which affects the brain.

Some symptoms of caffeine withdrawal include:

  • Headache

  • Irritability

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Depressed mood

  • Shakes or tremors

  • Low energy levels

You can help reduce the severity of the symptoms of withdrawals by slowly decreasing your intake as opposed to quitting cold turkey. These symptoms typically go away within 7-12 days as the brain naturally corrects itself.