How is Mental Health Connected to Our Physical Health?


According to a recent science finding published in the journal Circulation, psychological wellness directly influences stroke risk, heart health, and other illnesses assumed to be directly related to certain external factors.

In what is known as "the heart-mind-body link," a person's heart, mind, and body are all intertwined and dependent on one another, according to Dr. Glenn N. Levine, a professor at Texas' Baylor College of Medicine and the head of the writing committee for the report. The detrimental effects of poor psychosocial characteristics, personality, and psychiatric disorders on cardiovascular health have been amply supported by research.

Levine told Healthline that research has shown good psychological traits are linked to reduced mortality and risk of cardiovascular disease.

The statement links potentially dangerous biological reactions, including digestive problems, irregular heartbeats, raised blood pressure, inflammation, and decreased blood supply to the heart, and bad psychological health problems such as chronic stress, depression, anxiety, rage, and pessimism.

Additionally, it mentions how improper eating and smoking-related psychological factors raise the risk of heart disease and stroke.

According to the statement, frequent psychological testing, counseling, and body-mind exercises can improve heart health. A 40% greater risk of developing or dying from heart disease has been linked to the workplace and general stress.

According to Thomas Plante, a professor of behavioral sciences and psychiatry at Stanford University in California, "You must think in systemic and biopsychosocial mind-body approaches if you genuinely want to help people to be healthy, stay healthy, and recover from disease as best as one can." Furthermore, most fatal health issues, such as COVID-19, are significantly influenced by healthy behavior.

How Do Our Emotions Affect Our Bodies?

Our immune system frequently reflects how we feel. For example, immune function is more likely to be suppressed in depressed people. Some chronic and debilitating diseases, such as stroke, diabetes, and heart attack, are also connected to depression. The immune response, cortisol, and other regulatory hormones, in contrast, are directly influenced by techniques like meditation, gratitude, and even happiness.

If you have any injuries or sensitive regions, you will discover you experience stress the greatest there because stress causes the body's inflammation. Sarie Taylor, a psychotherapist, and coach spoke with Live Science "Some of the most overt signs of stress include tightness in the body and changes in how we sit & hold ourselves, although these signs will vary from person to person. We merely need to pay attention to what the body's bodily reactions are trying to tell us."

How To Improve Your Mental Health

There are many elements in your power that you can adjust to improve your mental health when it comes to mental health.

  • Nutrition: Increase phytonutrient-rich foods and fiber. Manage caffeine and alcohol intake. Also, cut refined sugars and ultra-processed foods.
  • Increase holistic practices and meditations that focus on the nervous system. s
  • Exercise regularly. Consistent 20 minutes brisk walk a day is a good start.
  • Take up new skills, hobbies, or even internships.
  • Make efforts to visit friends or relatives at intervals. Socialized and spend time with people.