How Stress Can Make You Stronger


We frequently hear about the damage stress can do to the body. It can raise blood pressure, lead to weight gain, and induce sleeplessness. However, despite the negative bodily impacts, most of us - naturally, not voluntarily - breathe and live with stress. Stress might occasionally feel like a looming, dark cloud. Stress appears even when we believe the skies are clear, jolting us back to reality.

However, stresses make us stronger in many ways. Because only pressure can redirect your mindset to think of a tougher, seek more sustainable and excellent solution to any problem. As a result, you'll become stronger, healthier and more innovative. Here are the three most important aspects of stress that make you stronger and healthier.

It improves cognitive function.

You may dislike that anxious sensation in the pit of your stomach unless you are at an amusement park and ready to go on the ride of your life. But if this sensation arises in reaction to mild stress doses, the tension and anxiety you experience may help your brain function better. This is because mild stress strengthens your brain's connections between neurons, enhancing your attention span and memory; boosting your productivity.

It makes you a tough cookie.

There is no disputing how enduring a trying circumstance fosters resilience. When something happens for the first time, you will think this is the worst-case scenario and lose your composure. However, as you cope with numerous challenges and conquer various obstacles, you prepare yourself to handle similar situations in the future.

Consider a challenging circumstance you've faced in the past. When the stress first started, how did you handle it? Have you recently dealt with a situation like this? If so, I believe you approached the issue better the second time. It's highly possible that you did. You likely felt more in control because you knew what to expect and the potential consequences. You refuse to give up or crumble under stress due to this. You become stronger as a result of stress.

It helps you dodge a cold

The fight-or-flight reaction you experience under stress is intended to keep you safe, either from harm or an imagined threat. In addition, low-stress hormone levels are intriguing since they can assist the body fight illnesses. For example, interleukins are produced when there is mild stress, which gives the immune system a fast boost to fight against infections.

So keep this benefit in mind the next time your system takes a jolt and your stress level raises. Stress may be the only medication you need to stay fit if a virus or cold spreads through your school or workplace.


While all you have heard about stress is the danger part. There is the good side of stress that you have learned today. The fight and flight we've known is a protective mechanism.

And the truth is, only when you are under some form of stress you'll think tougher. This way, you're having a laser focus and a boost in your cognitive memory.