Managing Spring Allergies


Allergy season is typically from February until summer. About 1/5 of people suffer from some kind of allergy- intensity varies from person to person. There are a lot of things you can try, ranging from natural remedies to over the counter medications, to prescribed allergy shots.

Here is a list of things that can help you manage your spring allergies without needing a prescription:

  • Allergy medication

  • Nasal spray

  • Closing windows

  • Cleaning vents

  • Replacing air filters

  • Get an air purifier

  • Rinse your sinuses- only use distilled water

  • Take apple cider vinegar

  • Consume local raw honey

  • Wash your face and your hair

  • Avoid excess time outside

  • Increase vitamin C intake

  • Maintain a good Zinc level

  • Butterbur tea

  • Lemons

  • Ginger

  • Check the pollen counts before going outside

  • Wear a hat and sunglasses to help keep pollen off your face and out of your eyes

  • Shower immediately after being outside to help reduce the impact