The Germiest Accessories You Use Regularly

- Kitchen Sponge
One of the essential household items used to clean is, ironically, the filthiest item we interact with. The characteristics of a sponge make it a breeding ground for all kinds of harmful pathogens; not only can leftover food particles cling to its hole-filled surface, but it's also highly absorbent and regularly moist.
- Dog Toys
It's a common misconception that a dog's mouth is relatively clean compared to a human's. However, this is a myth; the mouth of a human and a dog are home to different germs, yet there is hardly any difference in the total quantity. Saliva is quickly passed on to toy surfaces as dogs chew on them, which becomes a breeding ground for bacteria on the moist, sticky toy material. A hand scrubbing or quick toss in a dishwasher is suitable for sanitizing rubber-based toys (only on the top shelf). A complete cycle in the washing machine is ideal for fabric toys.
- Grocery Carts
Considering grocery carts' multifunctional uses and surfaces, they are regularly riddled with diarrhea-causing pathogens such as campylobacter, salmonella, and E. Coli. In addition, grocery cart handles should be more frequently touched repeatedly by people who've handled money, credit cards, and meat packages while shopping. The child seat of a grocery cart is also highly contaminated since babies are known to soil their diapers frequently. Fortunately, grocery stores commonly provide sanitary wipes close to the cart corral. Alternatively, you can also bring your own.
- Doorknobs and Handles
Unfortunately, traveling from room to room or in and out of cars means that interacting with these surfaces is inevitable, regardless of whether it's an office, home, restaurant, etc. According to Facility Executive, these are ranked as the filthiest surfaces within public structures. It's vital to disinfect commonly touched knobs thoroughly and handles within your home, including microwaves, refrigerator handles, stove knobs, shower and sink faucets, toilet handles, etc.
- Rugs and Carpeting
Generally speaking, an estimated 200,000 bacteria, on average, are thriving in rugs and carpeting per square inch, which is germier than a toilet seat by 700 times. New home or apartment tenants should request a carpet cleaning before moving in, and it should annually be deep cleaned at least once. To avoid contact with a worn-out, dirty carpet, wash-friendly throw rugs are an excellent choice to help you minimize exposure to bacteria-ridden carpeting.
Interesting Facts About Germs
- Many people avoid handwashing after using the restroom - 40% of women and 62% of men.
- A greater concentration of bacteria is found on your cell phone compared to a public toilet, 18 times more.
- Viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi are the four categories of germs.
- Mucus, tears, saliva, and ear wax all contain germ-neutralizing chemicals.
- Your hands are a popular host for germs, each one containing between 10,000 and 10 million bacteria.