Ways To Overcome F.O.M.O - Fear Of Missing Out

F.O.M.O, or The Fear Of Missing Out is a growing phenomenon that affects a substantial portion of the population and occurs with two different types of individuals. The first is those who commit to more responsibilities and plans than they can commit to, and the second is individuals who shy away from them as much as they can.
This incentive to act or not act stems from a fear that they will lose out on more substantial personal gratification/satisfaction if they commit when other possibilities are available. As a result, individuals who prefer to "keep their options open" commonly suffer from F.O.M.O. The practices below will help free you from this mental trap and improve the quality of your well-being and lifestyle.
- Don't rush.
Most people tend to rush themselves even when it's not necessary or beneficial. Instead, you can take it easy during day-to-day tasks, such as driving, eating, or running errands. To help you remember, you can place post-it notes saying "Slow down" or "Relax" in places you're around daily, such as in your car or the bathroom door of your home. Those who have a close-knit bond, such as family at home or friends, can also be supportive in keeping you grounded.
- Live a lifestyle of discernment.
In the era of mass consumerism, it can be challenging to distinguish between necessities and merely wants that provide temporary happiness. Practice self-discipline by learning how to save money. You will have more time and resources to devote to things that will enrich your life and well-being. Having more isn't necessarily better, and quality over quantity of your life experiences is generally more fulfilling.
- Practice minimalism.
While desires are limitless, our priorities are limited. Working through specific responsibilities allows you to filter out other activities which can be let go or saved for another day. The Latin word decidere, which means "to cut off," is where the word decide comes from, so choosing your priorities means cutting off other options. Ultimately, deciding what to focus on first will fulfill a sense of accomplishment and make you feel good about yourself.
- Live mindfully.
When we live from the mindfulness mentality, we can achieve a deep sense of fulfillment that we usually wouldn't get while pursuing an illusionary or short-lived feeling of gratification. Mindfulness allows us to be present in the moment-to-moment experiences of our lives and enjoy them without judgment. Enjoying life's simple pleasures will lessen the urge to pursue grand achievements to "keep up" with everyone else.
- Be grateful for what you already have.
Chasing the false belief that the great desires we want will fulfill us will hinder the ability to cultivate gratitude. With the mindset of being thankful for what you have, you can foster a deep sense of living richly instead of worrying about what you don't have compared to everyone else.